Sadasiva Sankara Sannidhanam

Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Sadasiva Sankara Sannidhanam

Yoga, Sanskrit, Vedanta, and more...


  • YogasCittaVrittiNirodaha ( PYS 1.2)
  • Saknotihaiva Yah Sodhum Praak Sarira Vimoksanat
    Kaama Krodhodhbhavam Vegam Sa Yuktah Sa Sukhi Naraha (BG 5.23)

Train your mind, become a Yogi. It is a Culture, so it demands discipline. If one practice as per the guidelines, the benefits are cannot be scripted in words, because the benefits of Yoga is beyond Physical, Mental, and Spiritual, though those are supplementary, but the purpose is higher. This Sadhana, will take years of sincere practice under the strict vigilance of a competent Teacher. So perseveranced practice with guidance is the key, and you can do this from 15 minutes to hours in a day.


  • Samyak Krutam Iti Samskrutam.
  • Vedasya Mukham Vyakaranam.
  • SaDangesu Vyakaranam Pradhanam.

Only who learned the basics of Samskrutam, they can understand the importance of this language. Though every language have it's own features, and among those Samskrutam is more structured, systematic, and logical. Samskrutam is not just a Deva Bhasha to study Sanatana Dharma Sastras and it's uncountable texts, also lot of ongoing modern scientific research proves that it's benefits are amazing.

All field of Vidyas are available from a simple Sloka to lakhs of Slokas, from a simple to advanced subjects, and translations can not accurately reflect God and Rishi's expressions. So, studying those in Samskrutam language is the best option. Come on, start, explore, and enjoy, but dedicated mindset is required. 


  • Brahma Satyam Jagat Mitya Jivo Brahmaiva Naparaha.
  • Tasmai Sa VidwaanUpasannaaya Samyak PrasaantaCittaaya Samaanvitaya
    Yenaaksaram Purusam Veda Satyam Provaaca Taam Tattvato Brahmavidyam.

At the very end, everyone wants Brahma Vidya or Moksha or Freedom from everything, but nobody wants to do their homework. Not able to gain the Correct knowledge, and difficulties to overcome from the Ignorance are the main hurdles in this life. Studying Srutis, and Smritis takes long years.

Sankaracharya gives solutions, and guides us to understand the Knowledge, The Truth about Self, and how one can void of Ignorance, through his works from the basic Tattva Bodha to highly logical Brahma Sutra. His detailed Bhashyam of Bhagavat Gita, 10 main Upanisads, Brahma Sutra, and other minor works, makes one to practice Sravanam, Mananam, and Nididhyasanam, and dwelve further. Thus one can understand, feel, and enjoy The Freedom at the end.

Sadasiva Sankara Sannidhanam

Come, learn, explore, enjoy, and continue your spiritual practices here. SadaSiva Sadhanalayam takes care of all your needs through it's well designed courses. Sadasiva Sankara Sannidhanam guides you through our ancient treasures of Sastras, and it's valuable texts in a long unbroken chain of our great Guru Sisya Parampara tradition of teaching and learning, in a very systematic way.

To start with, Sadasiva Sankara Sannidhanam helps you to do the initial homework, continue the practice, learn, and practice further, and make sure that all will lead to good. So plan, decide, and come to us. We are eager to go with you. Please visit the Courses page for your needs, or contact personally for your personal needs to serve you better. We certainty initiate you to start your long journey.

Current And Future Courses

Introductory, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced courses are designed on Yoga, Samskrutam, and Vedanta, to a small group in mind. However, customized personal programs for a serious aspirant also available.

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